King Cole 9018 The Professor & Mr Prickles in Tinsel Chunky Knitting Pattern


Love Me Yarns

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Pattern Details for King Cole 9018 The Professor & Mr Prickles in Tinsel Chunky (leaflet)

Professor Owl
Body One Size in  
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - White (204) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Silver (206) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Gold (208) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Claret (215) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Emerald (216) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - All Colours 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Purple (218) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Bronze (227) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Black (230) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Turquoise (1583) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Pink (1584) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Copper (1585) - 50g 1 ball
Eye Sockets, Feet and Beak in  
King Cole Pricewise DK - Oyster (145) - 100g 1 ball
King Cole Dollymix DK - Black (048) - 25g 1 ball
Mr Prickles the Giant Hedgehog
Body One Size in  
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - White (204) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Silver (206) - 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Gold (208) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Claret (215) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Emerald (216) - 50g 1 ball 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Purple (218) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Bronze (227) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Black (230) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Turquoise (1583) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Pink (1584) - 50g 1 ball
King Cole Tinsel Chunky - Copper (1585) - 50g 1 ball
Head in  
King Cole Pricewise DK - Oyster (145) - 100g 1 ball
King Cole Dollymix DK - Black (048) - 25g 1 ball
You will also need:

1 x pair of 3mm Knitting Needles
1 x pair of 5mm Knitting Needles
Polyester toy filling

Please note: Some shades have now been discontinued.